Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Fix Google App Opening Instead Of Assistant


We will discuss various methods in this guide for resolving the Hey Google problem where the Assistant opens the Google App instead. The offering of the Silicon Valley giant when it comes to virtual assistants is undoubtedly among the best on the market. Integrated into the Android operating system, it is easily invoked with the Hey Google or OK Google keywords. However, at present, this is not an easy task.

This is because Hey Google and OK Google have become synonymous with opening the Google App. As a result, the Assistant does not always open when you invoke Hey Google or OK Google, instead, the Google App opens. This can be frustrating and can slow down your workflow when trying to use the Assistant.

The Hey Google keyword is opening the Google App instead of Assistant, as reported by numerous users. This issue is not restricted to Pixel devices but appears to be occurring across a wide variety of other OEMs as well. If you are also experiencing this problem, then please read this guide as it will inform you of many workarounds that may help rectify it. Without further ado, let’s get started.

Fix Hey Google opens Google App instead of Assistant

Having said that, it would be recommended that you try each of the below-mentioned workarounds, before deciding which of them is going to work for you. With that said, let’s begin.

1: Language Tweak

Users often experience this problem when they have set the Assistant’s language to English without registering their regions [such as English US], which is one of the most common reasons for experiencing this issue. We will link a region with your language using the following steps and check out the results if this is the case with you as well.

  • Tap on your avatar in the top right corner of the Google App.
  • To manage all Assistant settings, select Settings > Google Assistant.
  • Choose Languages > Choose the language in which you would like to speak to your assistant.
  • The language you choose should be associated with a specific region [for example, English in the United Kingdom].
  • Please verify that Hey Google now opens the Google App instead of the Assistant.


2: Downgrade Google App

As a next step, it would be wise to downgrade the app to an earlier version that is still working. Here is how to do this:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Apps > See All Apps > Google App.
  2. You can then select Uninstall Updates by tapping the overflow icon.
  3. Make sure Hey Google opens Google App rather than Assistant when you click on it.

3: Delete Data from Google App

The issue might also occur when the app’s data or configuration settings become corrupted. For this to be resolved, you must either delete the app’s data or allow it to repopulate with a fresh instance from scratch. Here are some steps:

  1. Head over to Settings > Apps > See All Apps > Google App.
  2. Then go to Manage Space and tap on Clear All Data > OK.
  3. Now launch the app, log in to your account, and check the result.

We have provided various methods for fixing the issue of Hey Google opening the Google App instead of Assistant. According to the developers’ official stance on this matter, they are aware of this issue but have not provided an estimated date for the release of a fix.

When a fix is released, we will update this guide accordingly. For now, you can make use of the aforementioned workarounds.


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