Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Baldur’s Gate 3’s top level 1 spells for every class


Spells play a crucial role in your toolkit in Baldur’s Gate 3. They offer creative and effective ways to deal with enemies and are vital for defense, support, puzzle-solving, and traversal. The level 1 spell family comprises fundamental spells accessible to every spellcasting class in Baldur’s Gate 3.

These spells serve as the core and are likely your go-to choices throughout the game. While you’ll unlock more advanced spells that might be superior, having a strong understanding of level 1 spells remains essential as they act as reliable fallback options. Therefore, it’s crucial to discern which spells align best with your chosen class.

Best level 1 spell for bards

The bard class is often regarded as the poets of the Forgotten Realms, evoking powerful reactions from audiences. The primary stat abilities for bards are Charisma and Dexterity. Consequently, most of their spells are centered around influencing or controlling enemies and allies in their vicinity.

Baldur's Gate 3 Best Races Gor Bards

The Bard class is proficient in melee combat and spellcasting, providing a well-rounded and engaging combat experience. Notably, the first level 1 spell slot becomes available at level 2.

Animal friendship

The Bard can use the “Animal Friendship” spell to persuade an animal to treat them as friends. The spell has a range of 18 meters and remains in effect as long as the Bard avoids taking damage. The spell’s saving throw is based on Wisdom. However, it’s crucial to be aware that once the spell concludes, the animal may resume aggressive behavior and attack the Bard again.

Charming person

The “Charm Person” spell functions similarly to “Animal Friendship,” allowing the Bard to charm a human NPC and deter them from initiating an attack. Additionally, this spell provides the Bard with an advantage on Charisma checks. However, it’s important to note that enemies also gain an advantage on saving throws against the spell. The spell has a range of 18 meters and remains effective for ten rounds.

Tasha’s hideous laugh

“Tasha’s Hideous Laughter” enables the Bard to render a creature both incapacitated and prone by inducing uncontrollable laughter. The spell has a range of 18 meters and lasts for ten rounds. To cast the spell successfully, the targeted creature must have an Intelligence of 5 or higher.

It’s crucial to be aware that while the creature is affected by the spell, it can break free from its effects if it sustains damage.


This spell enables the Bard to induce sleep in a target, rendering them ineffective in a combat encounter. The spell has a range of 18 meters and lasts for two turns. Unlike some spells, this one does not require concentration but will end prematurely if the target takes damage.

Healing word

“Healing Word” is a spell that empowers the Bard to heal a creature in close proximity. The spell has a range of 18 meters and doesn’t demand concentration. It’s worth noting that this spell is ineffective against constructs and undead.

Best Level 1 Spells for Clerics

The Cleric class, widely regarded as one of the top support classes in Baldur’s Gate 3, embodies the deities they venerate through healing and safeguarding those in their vicinity.

Key abilities for this class are Wisdom and Charisma. Given its primary support and healer role, the Cleric’s spell selection aligns with this focus. Notably, access to level 1 spells for the Cleric class is available right from the beginning in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Guide pin

The “Guiding Bolt” spell empowers the cleric by providing an advantage on their next attack roll, simultaneously causing damage to the target. With a range of 18 meters, this spell operates passively to the caster’s advantage. Its effects persist for two rounds, enhancing the cleric’s attack rolls.


The “Command” spell allows the cleric to exert influence over the target in different ways, such as compelling them to run away, discard their weapon, or approach. Depending on the attack order of your party, this can be extremely valuable. The spell has a range of 18 meters but is effective for only one round.


The “Bane” spell empowers the cleric to debilitate three enemies simultaneously, imposing a penalty of -1d4 on their saving throws and attack rolls. To maintain its effects throughout the ten-round duration, concentration is required. Notably, the spell has a range of 30 feet.


The “Sanctuary” spell enables clerics to shield themselves and their allies from harm if no one in the protected group initiates an attack. With an 18-meter area of effect, the spell persists for ten rounds and does not necessitate concentration. However, it’s crucial to note that the protection does not extend to damage caused by area-of-effect spells, which can still affect the cleric and their allies.

Shield of Faith

The “Shield of Faith” spell empowers the cleric to enhance the armor class of a creature in their party by adding two points. However, this effect requires concentration, which will be dispelled if concentration is lost or another concentration-requiring spell is cast. Importantly, the “Shield of Faith” lasts for just one round.

Best Level 1 Spells for Druids

The Druid class in Baldur’s Gate 3 is renowned for its defensive and supportive capabilities, forged through a deep connection with animals and mastery of natural elements. The primary skills for this class are intelligence and wisdom. Noteworthy is that Druids have access to spells right from the beginning.

Fair fire

The “Fairy Fire” spell operates in two distinct ways. Firstly, it envelops targets in an area of light, fully revealing them. Secondly, any attack roll made against these illuminated targets benefits from an advantage. This potent spell has a range of 18 meters and necessitates concentration. While its total duration is 10 rounds, it can be prematurely ended if concentration is lost.

Thunder Wave

This spell enables the druid to unleash a powerful thunderous attack, forcibly displacing all enemies and objects within its area of effect. It inflicts damage regardless of the opponent’s successful save, although the damage is halved in such cases. The range of this spell is 5 meters.

cloud of fog

The “Cloud of Mist” spell empowers the Druid to generate a wall of smoke, obstructing the view of all enemies trapped within it. With a range of 18 meters, this spell’s effect endures for five rounds. It’s important to note that maintaining the efficacy of Mist Cloud necessitates concentration.

Cross-country skiers

The “Longstrider” spell empowers the druid to boost the speed of all creatures they touch notably. This spell has a melee range, so ensuring the target is near when casting is essential. Longstrider doesn’t require concentration, and its effects persist until a period of rest.

Animal friendship

“Animal Friendship” operates similarly to its counterpart in the Bard class. Players can persuade an animal not to initiate an attack. The spell has a range of 18 meters and remains effective as long as the player avoids taking damage. The saving throw for this spell is based on Wisdom. It’s crucial to be aware that once the spell wears off, the animal may resume aggressive behavior and attack the player again.

Best level 1 spells for wizards

The Sorcerer class in Baldur’s Gate 3 is the primary caster class alongside the Wizard. Distinguished by their innate ability to cast spells and wield magic, Sorcerers possess a unique magical prowess among other caster classes in the game. Key abilities for this class are Constitution and Charisma, enabling them to cast a diverse array of spells.

Mage armor

The “Mage Armor” spell empowers the wizards to bestow temporary armor upon themselves or an ally. This spell is effective when the ally has no armor, providing a 13-point bonus to their Armor Class. Additionally, the bonus extends to their Dexterity modifier.

Magic rocket

The spell enables the wizard to unleash three arrows that consistently hit their target. Each arrow inflicts 3d4 damage of the Power type. When the damage from all three arrows is totaled, there’s a potential to deal 12 points of damage in a single throw. Notably, this spell requires no concentration and boasts a commendable range of 18 meters.

Burning hands

“Burning Hands” permits the caster to inflict burning damage within a 5-meter range. The damage output varies between 3 and 18 points, contingent on the combustibility of the target. In the event of a successful save, the target still incurs half the damage. Noteworthy is that this spell requires no concentration.

Chromatic sphere

The spell enables the caster to summon an orb capable of causing damage in multiple ways, with the flexibility to choose when to unleash it. The orb can inflict either 3d8 thunder damage or 2d8 fire, lightning, acid, cold, or poison damage. Notably, this spell has a range of 18 meters and does not require concentration.

Ice Knife

Similar to the “Fairy Fire” spell, the “Ice Knife” spell operates in two stages. Initially, it launches an ice arrow dealing 1d10 piercing damage. Upon hitting the target, it explodes, affecting nearby enemies and causing 2d12 cold damage. Even if the initial target is missed, the arrow still explodes. Notably, this spell has a range of 18 meters and does not require concentration.

Best Level 1 Spells for Warlocks

Renowned for their affinity for magic and supernatural powers, the Warlock class stands out as one of the premier spellcasters in Baldur’s Gate 3. Excelling in the art of spellcasting, Warlocks are not as proficient in close combat. Key abilities for this class are Wisdom and Charisma, and they can cast level 1 spells right from the beginning.

Armor of Agathys

The “Armor of Agathys” spell grants the caster five temporary hit points. If the caster is attacked while the spell is active, the attacker automatically suffers five cold damage. It’s crucial to note that temporary hit points can only be obtained from one source. Importantly, this spell requires no concentration.

Quick retreat

“Rapid Retreat” empowers the Warlock to enhance their power and swiftly maneuver across the battlefield. Furthermore, it provides bonus actions on each Warlock’s turn until the spell concludes. While this spell necessitates concentration, its duration is limited to one round.

Hellish rebuke

Similar to “Burning Hands,” this spell inflicts fire damage. Functioning as a defensive measure, it enables the caster to envelop themselves in a ring of fire upon taking damage. The damage dealt is 2d10; if the opponent succeeds on the saving throw, they still incur half the damage. Importantly, this spell requires no concentration.


The “Witch Lightning” spell enables the caster to connect with another target using lightning. Upon activation, the target sustains 1d12 lightning damage. This spell has a range of 18 meters and necessitates concentration.

Protection from good and evil

“Protection from Good and Evil” is one of the most potent defensive spells, offering multiple advantages. By casting this spell, you can shield an ally from attacks and safeguard them against various effects from different enemies, including Celestials and Fiends.

While under the influence of this spell, your ally becomes immune to enchantment or possession. If an enemy attempts such actions, they face a roll disadvantage. It’s important to note that this spell has a melee range and requires concentration.

Best level 1 spells for wizards

The wizard class in Baldur’s Gate 3 is renowned for its mastery of magical abilities. Given its limited proficiency in armor and weapons, this class primarily depends on magic for defense, offense, and movement. Like the wizard class, wizards possess an innate ability to use magic and can cast spells of various levels right from the beginning.

Dressing up yourself

With this spell, you can entirely alter your appearance. The wizard can assume multiple forms and even change their gender, providing comprehensive disguise and protection. This spell remains effective until you rest and does not require concentration.


True to its name, “Grease” enables you to coat the ground and your enemies with grease, slowing them down and causing them to fall. This spell has a range of 18 meters and does not require concentration. Moreover, “Grease” can be combined with a fire spell to inflict substantial area damage with fire effects.

Burning hands

“Burning Hands” can be effectively combined with the “Grease” spell. Concentrating with “Grease” inflicts fire damage within a 5-meter radius. The damage range is 3d18, contingent on the combustibility of the target; if the target is not explosive, the spell won’t work. In the case of a successful save, the target still incurs half the damage. Notably, this spell requires no concentration.

Thunder Wave

This spell enables the caster to unleash a powerful thunderous attack that forcibly pushes away all enemies and objects within a certain range. The spell inflicts damage even if the opponent’s saving throw is successful, although the damage is halved. The range of this spell is 5 meters.

Find something familiar

The “Find Familiar” spell enables you to summon the aid of a fairy spirit, which can assume various forms and assist you in battle. This spell has a range of 18 meters and does not require concentration. Available animal forms for your familiar include ravens, frogs, crabs, rats, and cats.


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